Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Regent Street

The final leg of my walk included Piccadilly Circus and Regent St.  The Above photo is the only one from Piccadilly Circus actually, the area is quite lit up on a normal day I am not sure they had much room to add anything else.  The rest of the photos are from Regent St which I walked from top to bottom.  Down the length of the entire street they have this '12 Days of Christmas' theme where each fixture represents one of the lines from that song.  Its really magnificent seeing them lined up all the way down the street.

Trafalgar Square

After Covent Garden I stopped over at Trafalgar Square.  Each year a tree is given to the UK from Norway as a thank you for help during the second World War, and this is where is stands.  Not really much else to say about this area.  Its fun to see the very large tree all lit up, and the day I was there I happened to catch some carolers and that was very nice, but don't need to dedicate much time out of your day to see this one.

Covent Garden

I am feeling a bit under the weather but decided to push through it anyway and after work today I 
went for a little central London Christmas walk.  My Journey started at Covent Garden, a great place to go at the moment if you want to feel Christmassy, even on a Tuesday evening the place was packed with people.  All the regular shops and restaurants in the area are open and buzzing and the entire place is decked out to the max!  The inside market bit is decorated with massive Christmas and disco balls, its hard to tell how big they actually are from this photo. Outside there is the traditional tree that always has some street performer nearby.  

Below is the backside of the LARGEST advent calendar made entirely out of Legos.  The following photo is what it looks like from the front, each little window is filled with another figure made of Legos.  I find it amusing that it is noted as the Largest but not the only, who else has an Advent calendar made out of Legos?

Outside the market on the opposite side of the big tree are a few must see items.  First this photo here on the right...looks like a snowblower.  Anyone in London right now will know that it's far too warm for that to be real snow, its actually bubbles made to look like snow.  A machine in the bed of the truck spits out bubbles every minute or so.  Also outside is this GIANT reindeer and a very festive tree made from kegs of Jack Daniels.  I did not stop my walk there but this post is already long so to be continued...

Wimbledon Lights

Wimbledon is not one of the places listed on those 'must see' lists in London at Christmas but it is all decked out for the holidays so I took a few photos on my way home from work today.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Harrods at Christmas

Harrods is simply magnificent at Christmas!  The outside is at least, the inside was surprisingly dull and that is why there are no photos.  It is hard to capture in a photo but the lights around the window displays sparkled, the displays themselves were of Disney Princesses done in a couture fashion.    

More fab photos after the jump

Friday, December 14, 2012

More of London Decorated

here are a few more pictures leftover from my trip to Knightsbridge

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Afternoon Tea

Went to afternoon tea with people from work at the beautiful Canizaro House in Wimbledon today.  It was my first proper English afternoon tea, I was blown away by the amount of food, the choice of tea was diverse as well.  The room was really nice with a crackling fire and a huge Christmas Tree

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


One of the most exciting things in the winter is waking up to a layer of white, its probably second to actually seeing it snow.  Its been actually cold in the UK for the past week or so and I have been really crossing my fingers for some white stuff and this is what it looked like this morning!  no doubt it will be all melted by the end of the day but none the less its a pretty sight.  Now if we could just get some for Christmas!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sloane Square all Decorated

As a continuation of my London at Christmastime series today I visited Sloane Square.  I have never had a reason to go to this area before but a friend recommended I go for the decorations and they didn't disappoint,  the lights on the Peter Jones building alone is worth the visit!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Trip to Bath

Bath is so beautiful on a normal day, I love those green rolling hills as you approach.  I have been to the city a few times now but this trip was special because it was during their Christmas Market.  The market wasn't quite like they are in Germany, there was a significant lack of food, but there was a lot of unique stuff if you were looking for a gift for someone.  I walked away with a couple ornaments, surprisingly the best place to buy tree decorations wasn't even in the market but in this shop that's open all year round called December 25th.

more pretty pics of Bath all decorated for Christmas after the jump

Saturday, December 8, 2012

London Loves Christmas

Just a quick pic of pretty street decorations taken on a small side street in Knightsbridge.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Skating at the History Museum

Last year I was busy with school work and didn't really get to see much of London at Christmastime.  This year I am trying to make a distinct effort to get out and see more.  Today on my day off I went to the Museum of Natural History to see the ice rink there.  The Natural History Museum is one of my favorite buildings in London already but it looks great with the rink set up and a big tree in the middle.  This is a small post today because I actually have plans to come back here and go skating!