Saturday, May 19, 2012


My boyfriend Adam is on a baking kick and I am reaping the tasty benefits!  He's actually a really good cook regardless but the recent vigour has inspired me to take photos and share.  I plan on posting meal by meal but here are a few back ones to catch up.

Stromboli - this was a veggie version with courgette, basil, and mozzarella

Thai Green Curry

Hit the jump for more

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Start of Something New

I've spent the last year of my life going through the painstaking process of researching and writing a Master's dissertation and today, 18th May 2012, is the deadline.  I am now sitting here wondering what it is I am going to do with my time.  I would like to get back into photography.  I would like to use this blog less as a professional outlet (for that see and more for the random / beautiful / entertaining / funny pictures that I collect from everyday life.