Friday, November 30, 2012

Ice Skating at the London Eye

Went with my friend Claire today skating at the London Eye.  There are so many choices in London if you want to go ice skating its hard to choose!  This is my first time actually ice skating in the city but I have seen a few rinks and I would say this one is small by comparison. Despite its size we were able to walk up and skate without an appointment.  The view while skating is spectaular and the whole South Bank area is decorated in blue and white lights, if you are not a skater I would still recommend going to take a look around.  There is also a Christmas Market at South Bank that is worth a look, post on that is forthcoming.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Really wanted to be home for Thanksgiving this year but due to visa complications I couldn't make it happen.  Being in the UK for this American holiday is weird, the day carries on as normal, people have to work and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade doesn't start until 2pm! ridiculousness!  

I am lucky that I am with a Brit who allows me to embrace American traditions, but I have a sneaking suspicion it might have to do with the food.  For the second year running we hosted dinner, I say 'we' but what I really mean is that Adam cooked and I drank wine.  To my credit though I did make this spinach and artichoke dip and it came out yummy.  Below are Adam's triumphs in cookery.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Leaving on a Fast Train

Today we leave Edinburgh but get to do so in the luxury of 1st class!  I am a pretty good traveler and like long bus, train, plane journeys anyway but this was something else.

The trip from Edinburgh all the way down to London is about 4 hours.  Adam and I had window seats two together, so we didn't have to sit next to strangers bonus!   

The comfort of the journey was only one part that made it so enjoyable there was also amazing views.  Adam was thoughtful enough to get us seats on the right side of the train.  The track runs right along the coast getting amazingly close at times

The last element that made this one of the best train rides of my life was the food and drink service.  In first class you get near constant coffee, tea, juice, soda, even booze!  This picture is of Adam enjoying I think his third coffee and whiskey (all on the house).

And the food was constant too!  Quiche and salad and sandwiches and cakes and scones, it just kept coming!  I did my part and ate what I could and still had some to take home.

It was really nice to live this luxuriously, even if it was for only a few hours.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Last Day in Edinburgh

For our last full day in Edinburgh, Adam made a fully Scottish breakfast complete with haggis, Scottish pancakes, and even whiskey!

For the tourist bit we decided to go to Edinburgh Castle, this was on our must do list because its probably the biggest attraction in the city and we kinda felt we should go.  Of course the day we saved to go it rained most of the day but it was still a good time.  

the One O'clock gun salute, the bullet was larger than a pint glass!

More pictures after the jump

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 3 in Edinburgh

Today in Edinburgh we took a stroll down The Royal Mile.  The city is very much split between 'old' and 'new' and The Royal Mile is very obviously part of the 'old'.  Its a great walk lined with all sorts of shops and at the end is the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the residence of the queen whenever she is in town.

Also at the end of the street is the Scottish Parliament  in a very modern building that sticks out among the small stone structures around it.  At Parliament we were able to take in a session and watch them vote, something that would take you a letter to your congressman and weeks of waiting in the US.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 2 in Edinburgh

For our first full day in Edinburgh we decided to go for a walk up to Carlton Hill, there were amazing views 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I'm in Edinburgh

Adam and I took a detour (in the wrong direction) on our way back from Newcastle and stopped in Edinburgh for a few days.  We are staying in a 'Aparthotel' exactly what it sounds like its a cross between an apartment and a hotel and to be honest it was bigger than the flat we have in London.

Our first meal in the city of course included haggis, something that I have always heard about in a way that made me never want to try it but I was pleasantly surprised because it was delicious.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Newcastle Wedding

Another set of great friends, Tom and Gemma, had a fabulous wedding this weekend, and again it allowed me to see a bit more of the UK because it was held way up north in Newcastle.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sheffield Train Station

I have been to the train station in Sheffield a few times and have always really liked these cool water fountains out in front.  Today, while on a layover on my way up to Newcastle, I finally had time to stop and take a few pictures.

Friday, November 2, 2012