Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cov vs. Arsenal

Went to Emirates Stadium in North London tonight to see Arsenal kick Coventry City's ass 5-1...wasn't really expecting a win and it was really cool to finally see the inside of a park I had to walk by all the time while at Uni.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thames Festival

Every year the Thames festival is held as a sort of mark for the end of summer and at the end of the Thames Festival there is this fabulous fireworks display on the river.  This year the fireworks were held at the same time as the Paralympic closing ceremony which was a nice coincidence because with the Olympics and Paralympics done it really does feel like the summer is over. 

More fireworks pics after the jump

Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's My Birthday

Today is my 26th birthday, I have a day planned to go to the batting cages and then drinks later with is a photo of the breakfast I got on my birthday morning Adam is the best!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Paralympics are Here

The hub for Paralympic activity in London, if you didn't have tickets of course, was in Trafalgar Square.  The weather has been really summer-like lately so I went down there today to see what it was all about.  People came in and out all day, there were food and drink stalls,and a big screen that showed the channel 4 broadcast of the Paralympics.  At one point, while watching an event where Britain won a gold medal, cannons shot out paper confetti all over the place.      

At the end of the day there was an appearance by Jonnie Peacock and Hannah Cockcroft showing off thier Paralympic gold medals! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

M&M Store in Leicester Square

Had a day off so decided to go down to Leicester Square and ended up wandering into the M&M store.  It's huge and, as expected, has every kind of M&M you can think of.  

more M&Mness after the jump

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saturday Trip to Borough Market

I love Borough Market, I could go every week and still have a good time.  Adam and I went this weekend for no particular reason.

More after the jump