Monday, July 16, 2012

New Post!

Ok so new posts have been few and far between, it's not from a lack of desire it's simply that I haven't been doing anything much lately besides going to work and applying for jobs.  There are some things coming up in the next few weeks that should produce some good photographs but until then I've decided to dig up some old stuff to keep the posts going.

These photos were taken on a trip to Montreal in Fall of 2006.  Montreal is a really pretty city with a lot of fun things to do, here are a few aerials. 

More Montreal-ness after the jump

Montreal was the host city for the 1967 World's Fair which brought some very interesting architecture.  Below is a very unique housing structure from that expo that is still in use today. 

and this is the Biosphere, built for the Worlds Fair, its a museum dedicated to the environment

Montreal hosted the 1976 Olympics which also left some lasting impressions.  This building, the Biodome de Montreal was built to host various Olympic events and now is a really cool museum that replicates four different ecosystems found in the Americas with vegetation and wildlife from each.

This is the Olympic Stadium from the 76 Olympics, its right next to the Biodome de Montreal.

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