Thursday, November 15, 2012

Leaving on a Fast Train

Today we leave Edinburgh but get to do so in the luxury of 1st class!  I am a pretty good traveler and like long bus, train, plane journeys anyway but this was something else.

The trip from Edinburgh all the way down to London is about 4 hours.  Adam and I had window seats two together, so we didn't have to sit next to strangers bonus!   

The comfort of the journey was only one part that made it so enjoyable there was also amazing views.  Adam was thoughtful enough to get us seats on the right side of the train.  The track runs right along the coast getting amazingly close at times

The last element that made this one of the best train rides of my life was the food and drink service.  In first class you get near constant coffee, tea, juice, soda, even booze!  This picture is of Adam enjoying I think his third coffee and whiskey (all on the house).

And the food was constant too!  Quiche and salad and sandwiches and cakes and scones, it just kept coming!  I did my part and ate what I could and still had some to take home.

It was really nice to live this luxuriously, even if it was for only a few hours.

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