Saturday, August 11, 2012

I went to Olympic Stadium!

Here it is, an actual real life Olympic ticket!  Getting it was actually hellish and the best I could get was field hockey but it really didn't matter what the ticket was for I just really wanted to get into Olympic Park and see what it was like and I did!

More pictures after the jump

The whole park really was a sight to see and I enjoyed the field hokey way more that I thought I would.  I have HUNDREDS of pictures from the day but here is just a selection of the main attractions.  

Water Polo Arena

Watching the Field Hockey

Large viewing area for people to watch the BBC broadcast of the games.

The very cool Velodrome

Basketball Arena

The largest McDonalds in the world! well for now at least, after the Olympics are over they are going to tear it down and move on.

Olympic Village 

Water Polo Arena

The Orbit, found out when I got to Olympic part that you can actually go up to the top of this thing...for a price of course.

BMX Biking area

At the media area these two Olympians (don't know who they are) stopped by to show off their medals 

Nice wide shot taken from McDonalds

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