Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wedding in Wales

On August 4th, 2012 two really good friends of mine Kevin and Jenna got married in Aberystwyth, Wales.  The wedding was a momentous occasion enough but it also marked my first visit to Wales.  Adam and I stayed at a quaint B&B run by a crazy cat lady.  The view from the room's window was pretty much Wales in a nutshell, lots of green...and cows.  The breakfast was normal

Ok back to the wedding...the ceremony was at this cute bandstand right on the ocean.

Lots more after the jump

Jenna had the most amazing dress and the ceremony was very personal and touching.

The wonder that is the Welch language, glad it had a translation underneath
The reception was in this huge tent in a field in the middle of nowhere, very picturesque.  

 Food for the night included a Hot Roast, and these amazing brownies made by Adam

Not something you see everyday, the wedding had pretty kick ass entertainment

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